A two episode tale of historical and technical insights into why Mirrorless is coming for your gear bag now.
If you own a dedicated interchangeable Lens Camera (ILC) today, chances are it is a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex). For higher-end ILC cameras, the DSLR has been the defacto standard for almost 20 years. It was made as a digital version of the old analogue film cameras (SLR) before it. A DLSR design is based on a viewfinder that see’s the subject through the lens via a Mirror that is sitting in front of the digital sensor. Once you trigger the release button, the mirror “flaps” out of the way, and the sensor is now exposed to the light through the lens (When the shutter allows). Once the image is taken, the mirror falls back in place and you can once again look through the viewfinder.